Project funded by

Association of Latvian and Estonian Jews in Israel
Latvia Special Interest Group of Jewish Genealogy
Riga Jewish Religious Community
Boris Maftsir (Israel)
Yad Vashem
Henry Blumberg
President Latvia Jewish Connections
Barrister in Toronto
Ancestors from Grobina, Liepaja, Jelgava, Riga
Arlene Beare (UK)
Past President of JewishGen Latvia SIG. Data acquisition for JewishGen
Latvia Database - Latvia SIG Archival representative
Now Co-director of JewishGen Latvia and Estonia Research Division.
Abraham Lenhoff (U.S.)
Professor, University of Delaware
Former Webmaster of the Courland SIG webpage
Eric Benjaminson
U.S. Diplomatic Service, descendant of Jews from Kuldiga, Liepaja and Riga
Constance Whippman (UK)
Barrister; former Co-ordinator, All-Latvia Database,
Member of Steering Committee, Courland Research Group (both JewishGen)
Elie Valk
President of the Association of Latvian and Estonian Jews in Israel
Project supported by
Edward Anders (U.S.)
Professor, University of Chicago Author of the Project
Jews in Liepaja, Latvia 1941-1945
Arkady Sukharenko
Chairman of the Council of Jewish Communities of Latvia
Vitaly Gotlib
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
of Latvian Council of Jewish Communities
Shlomo Kurlandchik*
Archivist, Association of Latvian and Estonian Jews in Israel
Gita Umanovska
Executive Director of the Riga Jewish Community
Margers Vestermanis
Founder of the Museum „Jews in Latvia”
Martha Levinson Lev-Zion* (Israel)
President, IGS-Negev; former President, Latvia SIG; Member of Steering Committee,
Courland Research Group (JewishGen)
Mike Getz*
Former President and Founder, Latvia SIG JewishGen
Aina Antane
Former Executive Director of the Centre for Judaic Studies at the University of Latvia
Alda Brazhune
Former Executive Director of the Centre for Judaic Studies at the University of Latvia
Valts Apinis
Former Executive Director of the Centre for Judaic Studies at the University of Latvia
Bella Gitermane
Museum „Jews in Latvia”
Iļja Ļenskis
Director of the Museum „Jews in Latvia”
Karīna Barkane-Vincāne
Vice Director of the Centre for Judaic Studies at the University of Latvia
Svetlana Pogodina
Project manager of the Centre for Judaic Studies at the University of Latvia